Yet death was always inevitable. It begs the question, why are we here? What is our purpose? And I ask you the question "If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, would you still plant an apple tree?". These chaotic and troubled times offer us great opportunities for growth, understanding and personal development. Rather than deny or avoid the probable unstainability of our current ways of living on the earth, let's embrace and acknowledge it. Work through the feelings we may have around it and find our purpose and heart song on the other side. As the quote here illustrates, maybe we have created the storm for a reason...
Back to the womb of Mother Earth
It's dusk and the moorcock cries:
Go back - go back - go back
go back to what?
go back to where?
The first place you ever knew
was warm and wild and wet
And in that dark womb you grew"
Karine Polwart from Wind Resistance
In her show Wind Resistance, Karine Polwarth expresses many varied themes, one of the underlying themes is that of the symbology of goose skein. A goose skein refers to the way in which geese take it in turns to fly into the wind, reducing the wind impact for those who fly behind by as much as 65%, thus enabling the conservation of energy for those who fly at the rear. In the same way we can find support in one another and the Universe, when the methaphorical winds blow and the wild weather comes.