Henry David Thoreau once said “Not until we are lost do we begin to understand ourselves.” For some time recently, I had been deeply questioning what is true and how can I know what is real? I have wondered what is the purpose of life and what is beyond it. I felt lost and uncertain of Life and it's purpose. What are we all doing here? It came to a point where I felt there were three main things I knew:
- Firstly change happens, nothing remains the same. The world is in a constant state of flux and dynamism. There is a constant flow of energy moving and shifting.
- The second thing I became increasingly aware of is that there is so much that I don't know. It seems the more I explore and learn about myself and the world, the more I realise that there is very little I know with absolute certainty.
- Finally, I am aware of an energy at work in the Universe that is much larger than "me" and my experience of the world. There is a force beyond that which can be seen, though can be subtly felt or sensed and observed through synchronicity and signs.
Letting go of the old
Finding my own answers
One day I was out walking and stood on top of Glastonbury Tor when a word landed, that word was "TRUST". The word appeared from nowhere and seemed very significant. Initially I wasn't clear what it related to, so I asked "Show me". It then became obvious that trust was needed in relation to how I resonated with and experienced the world. I needed to continue finding my own truth within and trusting that. Externally I am provided with mirrors and teachers, though ultimately they reflect something to me inside. So when I experience the world or a particular situation, the question I ask is "How do I feel about that?" or "Does that resonate with me and my truth?" or "Why am I here?"
No absolute truth
who stands the most reasonable chance of finding out something
about themselves before they die.”
S.I. Hayakawa
There is my truth, which will be not be the same as yours. If two people witness the same sunset or hear the same piece of music, each will describe it differently according to how it resonates with them, what touches them inside. Their prior knowledge and experience will colour their current experience, for example a classically trained musician will interpret the music being played differently to someone who has no such training or musical experience. Each will have their own truth about what they have just experienced, neither will be the absolute truth, and yet neither is untrue.
When we connect to the flow we know our own truth
The third thing that I mentioned knowing was of an energy, larger than myself operating within the Universe. This energy connects us all and when we attune to it within our own being, we are in flow with all that is. There seems to be a guiding benevolent consciousness supporting us. Sometimes where we are taken doesn't make logical sense, it may take us to places that we wouldn't necessarily choose with the logical mind, it may not be a place we like, though it is most probably exactly the place we need to be. Often following our higher truth can take us into the places that feel tight and uncomfortable so we can explore, discover and move through blockages and distortions. When we trust and follow our inner knowing (which is connected to the Universal flow) magic unfolds.

"Life is completely different
when you learn
how to feel your way with your heart
rather than thinking about it
with your mind"
Mary O Malley
How do we know our truth?
- Letting go of the logical mind and feeling deeper within. There is a wise saying - "The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master". The mind can be a very useful tool, though there are other ways of knowing. Sometimes the answer may be the one I don't think I want, so it can be benefical to trust what is arising, even if it doesn't appear to make sense. Someone recently shared with me how when she considered where to do her shopping she was disappointed when her guidance was indicating that she go into the city centre rather than shop locally. Yet she trusted enough to go with what she was intuitively feeling and was rewarded when she met a friend in the city. Trusting the flow and inner pull can lead us on magical adventures.
- Spending time in quiet, meditating or connecting with nature are ways that enable me to connect more deeply with my inner knowing. Just by spending time connecting and being present, the truth reveals itself. Breathing consciously is another valuable method.
- I find it really helpful to notice what I feel in my body. For me if something isn't true or right, I will often feel a tightness in my solar plexus. On the other hand, if something is true and right, I often feel a sense of relief and expansion. It's not always clear and sometimes I need to sit or work with things for a time before it becomes clear. Sensations around the heart are another way of discovering my truth.
- Simply ask and listen for what arises. For example, I might ask - "Does x serve me?" or "Is x right for me?" I will often get a clear answer, sometimes not so clear and that's okay too. Many people use tools such as dowsing, angel cards, kinesiology... etc these may be beneficial though ultimately the answer is coming through you.
- Watch for signs and synchronicities. The Universe will provide spontaneous signals to indicate particular things. Synchronicities aren't always pointing in the direction that might appear obvious, sometimes they are inviting a deeper exploration inside regarding my truth or how I feel about something.
- Ask for guidance, ask "Show me" and the Universal Energy flow will inspire you. You could also play the game of free wheeling.
- There are no mistakes, only discoveries about oneself. So relax and have fun :) There is a game I like to play and indeed make it a part of my life, that at Openhand is called free wheeling. It involves being totally present and open, not having an agenda and seeing where or to what you are drawn. Perhaps you do this while out on a walk or taking a trip in the car. Where are you drawn, what attracts your attention and what message does it have for you? Why not try it out for yourself?
With love through the connection that unites us all, Fiona

Fiona is an Openhand Facilitator and house manager at Avalon Rising (Openhand's Retreat Centre in Glastonbury). She is also a reflexologist and experienced doula. She is passionate about living true to her heart and soul and empowering others to do the same. Her website is www.fionareilly.co.uk or click here for her facebook page.