The Universe continually invites and supports us in aligning with this Divine Dance. We are a necessary part of this interplay. When we pay attention and attune to this rightness, then remarkable miracles occur in our lives! It is not always easy or straightforward. Sometimes the flow may take us into challenges, so that we can unravel distortions and let go of that which no longer serves us and at times we don't align with what is right for various reasons such as fear, past experiences or conditioning. Our world at this time can be a dense and complex place and we are likely to resist and get lost on occasions. The wonderful thing about the flow, is that it is always there waiting for us, we simply need to tune back to it again.
Support in many forms
Benevolent flow is evident in signs and synchronicities that appear in our life and it is beneficial to pay attention to our landscape and what is happening around us. When we are open and aware all kinds of magic appears in our lives. The phrase "Show me" can be beneficial in welcoming in Divine guidance. Sometimes the support can be discreet and at other times clear and obvious. It could be the way the wind blows through the trees or a smile from a stranger, or a "chance" encounter with someone you have been thinking of. Be open to welcoming the magic into your life, pay attention and miracles happen. The key is to notice how you feel inside in relation to the mirror in your outer world. It is showing you something about yourself.
There are also other energies which are not so benevolent operating in the Universe. If however, we ensure that we are coming from an honest and authentic place and are not lost in our dramas or distortions, then these energies can have little or no impact on our vibration and the way we engage with the world. This is not to deny any "negative" emotions, the invitation is to feel deeply into them and work through them, rather than suppress them or cover them up with positive affirmations and thoughts. When we come from a place of authenticity, the whole Universe is available to support us. We are part of the whole Universe and are invited to be of divine service. As an interconnected part of the Universe, who are we not to play our role in the this Divine flow? I am reminded of the words of Marianne Williamson:
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?
Actually, who are you not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small does not serve the world."
Coming out of the mind and into the heart

up doing too much. And simply doing is not the same as divine creativity,
which requires space and presence to flow properly.
So take a clear look at everything you end up doing in a day and ask..."
Do I really need to do that? Does this serve my higher purpose?"
If not, take it out and allow an open space to form.
Focus on not doing, not thinking about what needs to be done.
This is not easy, because the mind keeps running its conditioned loops.
So come down into the heart, work to unravel the mind loops
from being centred in the heart space. Create an opening.
Then you'll end up marveling at the sheer miracles you create."
Signs and Synchronicities
Embrace from the Angelic Realms

When I feel the angels around me, it feels like a warm, comforting embrace. It feels very supportive and nurturing. Why not close your eyes right now, take some deep breaths and invite the angelic realms to come close to you, notice what you feel and how your energy changes. In addition there are specific Archangels which exhibit different qualities, for example Archangel Michael imbues strength, courage and compassion. I am occasionally inspired to use angel cards, which can be surprisingly accurate and revelatory.
Animal Medicine
How you might bring more Universal support into your life
- Sit in a quiet place, relax, breathe deeply and invite in loving support from the Universe. Notice how you feel inside. Such a simple form of meditation can make a dramatic difference.
- If you have a question or issue in your life ask "show me", the answer may not be immediately obvious or come in a form that you would expect, so be patient and stay open.
- Observe your feelings and your body intelligence, they are significant indicators of rightness.
- Pay attention to what is happening in your environment, there are no ordinary moments. What do you notice, what spikes your attention and how do you feel about it?
- Angel or animal cards can be helpful in inviting in some guidance.
- Create space in your life - meditate, spend time in nature, connect with the flow of the universe
- Find your joy and express it - this is a wonderful way of tuning into your soul
- Go on a freewheeling adventure - go on an outing with no agenda, follow the flow and see where you are taken :)
- Come out of your mind and into your heart, make choices more from your heart than your mind.
- Trust your experiences

Fiona is an Openhand Facilitator, reflexologist and experienced doula. She is passionate about living true to her heart and soul and empowering others to do the same. She runs various workshops related to women's issues and loves joining women in circle. Her website is www.fionareilly.co.uk or click here for her facebook page.