In truth I have all I need
When I become identified, resist and get absorbed in the pain or loneliness, I cause myself suffering. I recognise the importance of being with such painful feelings, whatever they might be, exploring them and finding the root cause. Through such honest exploration I can move through and beyond the source pain and find joy with the realisation that we are All One. I become whole within myself!
Most important relationship

I like these words by Clarissa Pinkola Estes “In order to converse with the wild feminine*, a woman (or a man) must temporarily leave the world and inhabit a state of aloneness in the oldest sense of the word. Long ago the word alone was treated as 2 words – all one. To be all one meant to be wholly one, to be in oneness, either essentially or temporarily. That is precisely the goal of solitude, to be all one.”
*Within the context I interpreted wild feminine as the intuitive aspect of self.
Message from The Little Prince
"It is only with the heart that you can see rightly.
What is essential is invisible to the eye"