However, the full expression of our selves is so inspiring, fulfilling and worthwhile. We don't need others to tell us how to be or what to do, inside we have all our own answers. When we surrender and let go of any external demands, we can find true love and joy. Sometimes there is the temptation to look to the outer world to provide us with solutions and to be a source of our peace and happiness. We may find being true to our own vibe difficult because of insecurities or lack of self worth. We may act in a particular way or compromise our own vibe in order to fit in or feel loved by others. Yet ultimately ease, peace and acceptance needs to come from within. This quote from Mary O Malley's book "What's in the Way is the Way" speaks strongly “No love from outside of you will ever fully satisfy you, because the only way to relieve that longing is to know who you truly are.”
Of course, this does not mean we dismiss the outer world, it is also part of us, it can be a very valuable teacher and massive source of inspiration in our lives. What we see in the outer world is a reflection of our inner world, the external offers us a mirror so that we can see ourselves and feel our own vibe more clearly. Have you ever noticed that when we feel love for someone, we feel it inside of ourselves - the love is in us! As the Dalai Lama once said “The ultimate source of happiness is within us”
Unique Expression of the One
Some of us have an unhealthy need to maintain harmony, even at the expense of our own truth. Others in order to gain a sense of belonging can mesh or combine their energies with that of a group to the extent that they lose connection with themselves. Awareness of this is a massive key, once we become aware of such patterns playing out in our lives, we have a choice. We can continue to compromise ourselves and blend with others or find new ways of connecting with our own vibration and living our truth. We can chose to find our own way in any moment, we each have a unique path as an expression of the Whole. As the great mystic poet Rumi said "It's your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you."
How to find your own vibration
- Watch and notice how you are, what goes on inside of you in the varied situations and circumstances in which you find yourself. Pay particular attention when you are around other people, do you lose your sense of self in particular situations? Become curious about what is happening in your life.
- Find the core of your beingness, it can be really beneficial to breathe down into your belly and feel your power from here (or wherever you feel it inside). It fuels the flames of our fire within.
- Find what brings you joy - spend time doing things that bring lightness and ease. Give yourself permission to play, have a bath, an afternoon nap or whatever else nourishes you. Perhaps leave some time aside each week and take yourself on a date, do something inspiring and nourishing for you, visit an art gallery, go out for dinner... etc
- Do what feels right for you, even if it seems like you may disappoint others or not live up to the expectations of society. Express your truth and honour your boundaries!
- Unleash your creativity - dance, sing, write, paint or create whatever floats your boat so to speak
- Spend time in quiet, meditate or go for walks in nature. It's great if you can find time to yourself every day.
- Sometimes you may need significant time on your own and it may be right to withdraw from family and friends for a period of time until you find yourself again.
- Accept and embrace the challenges in your life, work with rather than deny or avoid your pain. By clearing your blockages and tension you gain a deeper connection with your true self.
- Notice signs and synchronicites that may be guiding you, the key is to notice how you feel about them inside.
- Get in touch with your gratitude and appreciate the wonder of the world around you.
With love and blessings,