to the awareness of love's presence"
- Initially I need to become aware of what is happening, I can do this by watching myself, how am I being within my everyday actions and reactions. I recommend becoming curious. What is my motivation? Where am I acting from a place that doesn't serve me or all of life? How am I invited to be beyond the challenge? An outer challenging situation is merely a mirror and indicates how I am invited to be internally.
- Linked to becoming aware it pays to be really honest with myself. Self honesty is another key, which requires courage and vulnerability.
- If I am not clear about what is going on or what is playing out, the whole Universe is there to support me, I only need to ask. I find putting out the request "Show me" to be of enormous value. My answers usually land in the form of a knowing, though may also come through signs and synchronicities in the outer world.
- When I see my shadows or distortions, I need to accept them. It is important not to push the discomfort and tightness away as this only suppresses it. Equally using positive affirmations is a form of denial, covering over the underlying issue. This may make us feel better temporarily, though in my experience is not an effective long-term solution.
- The next step is to soften into the feelings and tightness. If I can surrender into my experience, magic can happen. This is not always easy or straightforward, though I have found that in accepting and softening into pain, it can miraculously dissolve all by itself.
- Finally, when I work through something I find it useful to participate in some form of energy release and self expression. I find connecting with nature, exercise, dance, singing and shaking really beneficial.
With love and best wishes for uncovering your authentic beingness and setting your soul free,