Last week my hairdresser bouyantly informed me that her spare room was full chock-a-block with gifts, while someone else spoke of not wanting to go to family for Christmas, but feeling oblidged. My friend has a three year old boy and wants to avoid consumerism and encourage him to find the joy, gratitude and creativity of the midwinter festival, yet everywhere he goes folk ask him what he is getting from Santa. I appreciate that all of these things - gifts, seeing family and Santa are well intentioned, though I find myself asking where has the authenticity and the true meaning of Christmas gone?

How can you engage in the festive season with joy and authenticity? What inspires your soul? What gift can you give yourself? I want to see the truth and beauty, love and inspiration that is all around and inside of me. I yearn to live from my soul moment to moment, greeting each joy and challenge with the fullness of my being. In the depths of winter, I want to find the light through and beyond the darkness. And it's not exclusive to midwinter either, it's my gift for the whole year through!