So how do you play? You simply open up and watch what's happening inside of you and see where you are drawn. You can play anywhere, at any time. It helps to ask the Universe to "Show me" before you begin and then watch where you are taken, what do you notice, what are you being shown? Surrender any mind-led intention to something bigger... to your higher mind, intuition or inner knowing. Perhaps you feel a pull to go out doors and where to from there - left or right? Just follow your intuition... noticing and paying attention as you go... Sometimes my mind resists the pull to go a particular direction as perhaps that takes me away from home and I'm already late for dinner, for example. Yet if I am being drawn to the right, I trust that is the way to go, even if that results in tardiness on my part :) It may also result in some unforeseen magic!
On one such occasion, John and I were playing "freewheeling" and were taken through a woods far from the hostel where we were staying. We had followed the pull and then realized we were lost and very far from the hostel, it was now lunchtime and we were due to depart with friends shortly. To summarize we ended up miles away and miraculously hitched a lift with a wonderful woman with whom we had a lovely connection and she kindly drove us all they way up the small track to our hostel. We arrived just in time to join the end of the lunch queue as a forgotten tray of veggies was taken from the oven after our unexpected adventure.
Playing the freewheeling game reminds me of the magic, joy and wonder that is all around when I let go and focus on being present and what I am being shown. There are no ordinary moments! Here is a clip from the movie The Peaceful Warrior.