Our mooncycle is one of life's natural rhythms, just like the seasons it ebbs and flows. It offers a wonderful opportunity to generate and regenerate. It follows a pattern of birth and rebirth, not only in relation to bearing children, also in relation to our creativity, expression and our ways of being in the world. The menstrual cycle is a gift - a physical reminder to attend to ourselves and our needs.
When we are in harmony with it's dynamic rhythm our moon cycle affords us wonderful opportunities to create, rest and be in balance in accordance with the rhythms of life. To deny this can keep us trapped and suppress aspects of ourselves and our authentic beingness. When we truly surrender and embrace our rhythm, we can deeply envelop the awesome power of the Divine Feminine within us.
Having more awareness of our moon cycle and the patterns of our rhythm can be of immense benefit, we can understand and harness the rhytmic changes and creativity cycle, rather than feeling confused and potentially overwhelmed by our experiences.
Creativity cycle
we are weaving our creativity.
Powerful women creating ourselves
creating the world"
Alexandra Pope
In the diagram below I relate each hormonal phase to a season, an archetype and an aspect of creativity. During the initial two phases (preovulation and ovulation) our energy tends to be more out in the world, we tend to be more proactive, social and seen. As we move through to post ovulation our natural rhythm is to turn more inwards, to become quieter and more reflective.
Autumn/Pre menstrual phase

In my experience, this is a time when I am most sensitive and in tune with my empathic gifts. Anything that I have suppressed or not dealt with during the previous month comes to the fore to be worked with. It is a time for looking back on what we have created, a more reflective time. It can also be a time for innovative, out-of-the-box thinking. It is related to the wild woman archetype.
for solitude during her flow time.
Every ounce of our body and soul calls for rest
while our culture calls us to keep going,
no matter what"
DeAnna L'am
Suggestions that can support you:
- Track your cycle - identifying where you are on your cycle can help you understand and relate to what is happening for you. Some people like to keep diaries and note the patterns that occur at day 1, day 2... There are also some good apps that can assist with this.
- Honour your time of flow and get enough rest. Some women take time off work at this time of month, others explain to their families that they need space/quiet. Move at your required pace and follow how our body feels. Breathing consciously can be of immense benefit.
- Ask for support. This can often be difficult for women in todays culture who feel they need to be superwoman and support others. Be clear regarding your boundaries and communicate these to those around you.
- Eat well, wholesome nourishment food is paramont in all areas of our lives. I highly advocate eating an organic (as much as feasible) and plantbased diet. Hormones and chemicals in dairy products and meat can aggrevate our hormonal systems.
- Find sanitary products that work best for you. Experiment with the mooncup and organic cotton reusable pads, which are much better for the environment. Some people have found that the use of tampons increases pain and flow levels.
- Chocolate - avoid conventional chocolate which contains sugar and caffeine which can excacberate symptoms. Instead choose good quality raw chocolate or even better make your own.
- Create a ritual and personal way of honouring your cycle.
- Get involved in a red tent movement or women's circle, preferrably locally or create your own, there are also lots of resources online.
- Many women have found maca beneficial, it is a natural adaptogen.
- Herbal tea - I love this tea blend sweetly created by Emma, which includes calendula, yarrow, ladys Mantle, mugwort and crampbark
Some useful books and resources
- The Red Tent by Anita Diamant is a novel based in biblical times where the women of Jacob's tribe take refuge while menstruating or giving birth, and in doing so they find mutual support and encouragement from their mothers, sisters and aunts.
- The Wild Genie - The healing Power of Menstruation by Alexandra Pope
- Moon Time by Luch H Pearce
- My Moontime - an app that helps you keep track of your moontime, there are others too
- www.honouryourflow.co.uk a UK based company specialising in organic cotton pads and mooncups. There are many additional companys out there.
Empowering ourselves
During her bleeding years she practises it
At menopause she becomes it"
Traditional Native American saying

Fiona is an Openhand Facilitator, reflexologist and experienced doula. She is passionate about living true to her heart and soul and empowering others to do the same. She runs various workshops related to women's issues and loves joining women in circle. Her website is www.fionareilly.co.uk or click here for her facebook page.