As well as celebrating mothers, this Mothering Sunday I celebrate women without children, a diverse group that bring invaluable gifts of love and beingness to the world. I celebrate your mothering qualities, your love, generosity, strength, passion and awesomeness. You have the right to a fulfilling and purposeful life, it may be that you don't have children, though you are of immense value to the world. I encourage you to find your truth and rightness and express it into the world. Let your beauty radiate outwards.
I celebrate all women on Mothering Sunday
Those who have children and those who don't
Those who from their womb space give birth to new life
- Creative life in vast myriad of forms
Be it physical, intellectual, emotional or spiritual
I celebrate those who are "aunts" or godmothers
Friends, teachers and guides for the young
I acknowledge the grief and pain
Of many women who for whatever reasons
Don't have children of their own
Yours is not an easy path
You are of value and worth, and are truly loved
Origions of Mothering Sunday
Express the mother in you
Honour being without children
- It's important to acknowledge and work through any pain or issues you have around not being a mother. Grief is best worked through with another, so find a friend or therapist that you can share your experiences with.
- Find a way to express and honour your childlessness
- Join or initiate a women's circle for mutual support and sharing. I find being part of a women's circle a very nurturing and supportive thing to engage with. Or find a support group online, there is a facebook group entitled "Women - without children" you are welcome to join or email me and I will add you to our newsletter ([email protected])
- Be creative - give birth and energy to creative ideas and projects that inspire you.
- Borrow your friends children and take them to the park and have some fun!
- Mother yourself. We can so often easily give to others, yet not receive for ourselves. Do something for you, that brings you joy each and every day, be it a walk in nature, quiet time, some nourishing food or something else....
- Sometimes non-mothers lose touch with their femininity and body. Do something to connect you with your sensuality, maybe book a massage or have a bath with some essential oils.
- Celebrate your awesomeness in a way that feels right for you.
Let your light shine
With love and gratitude from my heart to yours, Fiona