In my experience, doulas encourage and support one another in an awesome way. It's a special working relationship where right outcome is the priority. I love the fact that when doulas go to see a client they genuinely encourage the client to go and speak with other doulas, as they know how important it is that clients find the doula that is right for them. I love they way we openly recommend one another and generally work together seamlessly to offer the best care for the families we work with.
On a number of occasions I have worked as part of a team supporting a particular woman or family and it has been such a positive experience. It feels really great to share ideas and work alongside others. It allows us to feed each others enthusiasm and be more creative than we might be on our own. Solutions and possible ways forward are much more readily found when a number of people work together. It is also more fulfilling and enjoyable!
Of course it's not all plain sailing! We don't always see eye to eye and there are differences of opinion and personality clashes. Mostly though when we are open, true and communicate well, the issues are easily resolved, we learn and grow. Every situation provides an opportunity to learn something about myself and to develop. I believe that we draw challenges to ourselves so that we can work through them and resolve something inside of ourselves.

Learning to Trust
Initially I was sometimes challenged or disappointed when a potential client would choose another doula over me. I wondered if I didn't have enough experience, was not as forthcoming as I might be... etc. Over time, I began to increasingly trust the process. The work I did receive felt right and positive, while on the occasions where another doula was chosen, I would sometimes already have had a niggling feeling that something wasn't quite right or would have left our meeting feeling tired. It's not always clear though I have come to realise, with experience, that all is as it is meant to be and that there is a higher purpose unfolding that I need to trust. It is such a relief not to need to "get a specific job", rather to be myself and see what unfolds.
I feel very blessed to work in a role where co-operation, love and encouragement is the prevailing attitude. I very much appreciate having the support of other doulas who are there if I ever need anything - it's a pretty special community. Next week we will gather together to celebrate the launch of the Scottish Doula Network's
new website, it's been wonderful to collaborate to bring it all together.
With love and gratitude for my doula sisters, and my other families and support networks, Fiona